Bais Menachem of NMB is more the just a Shul; it is a community center; a place everyone, young and old, man, woman, or child, can have a place to let his/her Yiddishkeitcome alive.
We are a non-profit running strictly off donations. As our Chabad community has grown and continues to grow, we have moved from 1 small house to a 25,000 square foot building.
In our building we host a series of functions: Daily Minyanim, Bais Midrash, Mikvah, daily and weekly Shiurim, Youth programs, Womens events, Social events, Farbrengens and much more.
We encourage everyone to feel involved and to participate in all activities as a community.
Rabbi & Rebbitzin Marlow
Our Rabbi & Rebbitzin are now on their 22nd year here in the community. They have helped build and form this community into who we are today. With their knowledge and guidence they continue to serve all within our community. Our Rabbi's door is always open for questions and disccusions. Together, they have meticulously laid each stone to build who we are today.
To reach Rabbi Marlow email [email protected]
To reach Mrs. Marlow email [email protected]Rabbi & Mrs. Laufer
Rabbi & Mrs. Laufer joined Bais Menachem in 2017. With the growth of the community there was a need for another couple. They help arrange programs, events, Shiurim, Yom Tov programs, youth programs and more.
To reach Rabbi Laufer email [email protected]
To reach Mrs Musia Laufer email [email protected]Norma Robles
Norma helps run our office in the most efficient way. She is here to answer any questions you may have.
To reach Norma email [email protected]
TITLE: Request for Proposal
Bid Number: 58432485
Bid Title: Contracted Security
Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, a Florida Non-profit organization located in North Miami Beach, Florida, is accepting proposals for Contracted Security until August 22, 2023, at 1:00 pm on at Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, 17299 NE 10 Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida, 33162. Proposals received after the aforementioned date and time will be returned unopened. The sealed proposals will be publicly opened on August 23, 2023, at 1:00 pm.
The complete Request for Proposals, including all specifications and proposal forms, may be obtained by bona fide proposers upon application at the Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, 17299 NE 10 Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida, 33162, or emailed to [email protected].
Sealed proposal envelopes should be marked “RFP for Contracted Security 58432485”. The Non-Profit shall evaluate the proposals in accordance with the criteria set forth in the RFP. The Non-Profit anticipates an award to the proposer with the proposal determined by the Non-Profit to be most advantageous. The Non-Profit may conduct interviews and/or require presentations as part of the evaluation process. The Non-Profit shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any proposer in connection with its response to this RFP. The Non-Profit reserves the right to reject all RFP submittals, waive any formalities, solicit and re-advertise for new RFP submittals, or to abandon the project in its entirety.
Publication Date/Time: July 15, 2023 at 1:00 pm
Publication Information: Website
Request for Proposal
Bid Number: 202217299
Bid Title: Physical Security Enhancements
Status: OPEN
Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, a Florida Non-profit organization located in North Miami Beach, Florida, is accepting proposals for impact-resistant doors and gates, access control, and security camera system until CLOSING DATE of 2/26/2024 at 1:00 pm, at Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, 17299 NE 10 Avenue, North Miami Beach, Florida, 33162. Proposals received after the aforementioned date and time will be returned unopened. The sealed proposals will be publicly opened on DAY AFTER CLOSING DATE 2/27/2024.
Sealed proposal envelopes should be marked “RFP for Physical Security Enhancements 202217299”. The Non-Profit shall evaluate the proposals in accordance with the criteria set forth in the RFP. The Non-Profit anticipates an award to the proposer with the proposal determined by the Non-Profit to be most advantageous. The Non-Profit may conduct interviews and/or require presentations as part of the evaluation process. The Non-Profit shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any proposer in connection with its response to this RFP. The Non-Profit reserves the right to reject all RFP submittals, waive any formalities, solicit and re-advertise for new RFP submittals, or to abandon the project in its entirety.
Publication Date/Time: OPENING DATE 12/1/2023at 1:00 pm
Publication Information: Website
Closing Date/Time: CLOSING DATE 2/26/2024 at 1:00 pm
Site Name: Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach
POC Name: Norma Robles, Grant Manager and Proposal Administrator
Email: [email protected]